Month: February, 2012

the style file: Katie

The Style File is kicking off the last week of February with Katie – a former elementary school teacher turned stay-at-home mom. Learn how this new mama and serious foodie stays chicly put together and the one article of clothing her closet can’t live without (hint: it’s NOT those pesky mom jeans). For past Style File features, visit our archives.

name: Katie Unger

age: twenty-seven

hometown: Denver, CO

occupation: stay-at-home mama + food blogger


describe your personal style: simple & classic

has your style changed since becoming a mom?: it’s only changed because I don’t have to wear teacher clothes anymore (I was a 3rd grade teacher before I became a mama). I get to wear what I want every day…even if that means sometimes never getting out of stretchy pants.

what is the one item in your closet you cannot live without?: dark skinny jeans

finish this sentence: the three items you’ll always find in my purse are…: …sharpie marker, chapstick + cheerios!

favorite way to accessorize an outfit: it’s a tie between a scarf and big earrings.

spring trend you’re most excited about: bright-colored tights (are those still a trend? Goodness, I hope so!)

what three items from June Ruby would you most like to own?:

the style file: Megan

In this week’s edition of The Style File, we’re turning the tables on Megan – the writer behind Style Girlfriend, a fashion blog all about men’s style from a female perspective. Today, we’re picking her brain for ladies’ style advice, including her personal June Ruby favorites. Get ready for some sass, humor and spring trend lusting with this NYC 20-something. For more Style File profiles, visit our archives.

name: Megan Collins

age: 28

hometown: Midwest-raised resident of NYC

occupation: men’s style blogger

website: Style Girlfriend (<- the female perspective on men’s style!)

describe your personal style: Upper East Side princess gets in a fight with a Brooklyn hipster. Winner unclear.

what is the best piece of fashion advice you’ve received?: You look your best when you’re comfortable in what you’re wearing.

what is the one item in your closet you cannot live without?: A thin gold band that belonged to my grandma. I’m never not wearing it.

finish this sentence: the three items you’ll always find in my purse are ___________: half-full bottle of coconut water, NARS lipstick in “Carthage” (an obnoxiously amazing bright pink) & crumpled Starbucks receipts!

heels or flats?: Wedges.

spring trend you’re most excited about: I’m looking forward to wearing skirts and dresses without tights again. I’ve forgotten what my shins look like.

what three items from June Ruby would you most like to own?:

  • 81 Poppies Emilee Dress: I love this dress. I also love dresses in general. Guys think you put way more effort into your look than when you have on jeans and a t-shirt. But the dirty little secret is it’s actually easier to throw a dress on and get out the door in the morning – it’s a one-and-done outfit.
  • Donni Charm Zen Together Scarf: I live in scarves pretty much year-round. This one looks more put-together than the typical “I can’t deal with the AC in this movie theatre” scarf I dig out of my bag.
  • Splendid Maxi Skirt: 100% of guys have told me they hate the maxi trend on girls. But I don’t like the ratty old hoodie sweatshirts guys refuse to throw out even after they spill buffalo wing sauce down the front, so I guess we’ll call this one a draw.